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WORK > 2021 > Food Phreaks! Garden

FOOD PHREAKS!: Biodiversity of the Kitchen Garden was a garden plot at Vitenparken, Ås featuring interesting edible plants relevant to the Center’s FOOD PHREAKS! exhibition about the ways that taste, place, technology and food shape our planet and our lives.

With the help of the garden manager Kirsten Martinsen, we grew Outredgeous Lettuce, ‘Lady Di’ Runner Bean, Red Scarvita Cabbage, Soybeans, Nantes Carrot, and Black Kale. Some of the harvest was later tasted by the public in the Center’s New National Dish: Norway event at Smak Ås on October 16, 2021.

FOOD PHREAKS!: Biodiversity of the Kitchen by the Center for Genomic Gastronomy was hosted by The Norwegian BioArt Arena and exhibited at Vitenparken in Ås, Norway from September 24th — December 31, 2021.